Become the slimmest version of yourself without restrictions.
Yes, truly everything is allowed. Wine, cookies, candy, chips, and even fast food!
I'll Start Losing Weight on Monday"
“I have a slow metabolism”
“I’m an all-or-nothing person”
“I hate exercising”
“I gain weight just by breathing air”
“I will never be that slim”
“It’s not in my genes”
“I’ve already messed up by snacking. The rest of the day doesn’t matter anymore”
Have you tried EVERYTHING?
How long have you been wanting to lose weight? How many times have you tried through diets, pills, meal replacements, shakes, bars, fat freezing, acupuncture, etc.?
And how many times have you succeeded in losing weight permanently (and not gaining it back)?
Is it hard for you to lose weight and then not regain it?
Do you often go through phases of all or nothing?
Are you always “working” on your weight but can’t seem to lower it permanently?
Do you use food for much more than just nourishing your body, like distraction, feeling good, boredom, or socializing?
Do you have a long list of “forbidden” and “fattening” foods in your mind that you think about too often?

Imagine not having to constantly think about losing weight anymore, but that it almost happens effortlessly...
All the previous versions of Body Boost were in Dutch, so there are no English reviews yet. The most important quotes are translated to English to get a feel of the review.
“Excited about how well the program is designed”

“I’m finally out of that downward cycle”

“It’s so relaxed that you can swap your meals around”

“I went from 64.5 kg to 60.5 kg!”

How is Body Boost different?
1. No Restrictions
At Body Boost, you can eat anything. The program encourages you to enjoy sweet and savory snacks while still losing weight. It’s not about what you can’t have, but about what you can and how to find balance in it.
2. The Power of Mindset
Developing a mindset that makes long-term weight loss enjoyable, without obsession or guilt. It’s a lifestyle, not a temporary fix.
3. Accessible and flexible
Because it’s so flexible, you can integrate it into a busy life—at home, at the office, with family, etc.
Week 1
Complete daily meal plan
Tailored to your height, activity level, and sense of satiety. A schedule is provided with all meals for 14 days, but you have more than 150 swap options to make it fit your needs.
Focus on mindset around eating and weight loss
The foundation is laid to uncover why you overeat, where things went wrong in the past, and how to build the framework for the slimmest version of yourself.
Daily motivational video
Each day of the 14-day meal plan comes with a corresponding video to motivate or inspire you. In addition, there are dozens of extra videos for guidance and inspiration.

Week 2
Complete daily meal plan
This week, you’ll again have a daily meal plan ready with new and surprising meals and recipes. You can still swap and adjust everything to suit your needs.
Extra focus on diuretic foods
Especially perfect if you have an event or shoot planned after 14 days!
Daily motivational video
This is often when motivation dips, and you need extra guidance. These are key moments for support through the videos!

Week 3 & 4
No meal plan
We’re going to reflect on what you liked and didn’t like during Body Boost. I challenge you to be honest with yourself and let go of the things that didn’t feel right. We’ll also focus on strengthening you emotionally and mentally so you can handle “setbacks” with food.
Loving challenges outside your comfort zone (assignments)
To truly change, you need to step out of your comfort zone. During the integration weeks, the comfort zone is sticking to the plan and “doing it right.” To break free from that, we’ll indulge in treats and step away from the plan. The lessons you learn from this are invaluable for the rest of your (dream body) life.
Extra videos for emotional and mental support
Additional videos to keep supporting you, especially with the accompanying assignments. These videos can serve as a great anchor for guidance!

Integration assignments
You’ll receive assignments to structure your weeks with certain guidelines regarding food. The goal is to step out of your comfort zone. Progress lies in how you handle these moments, not in how perfectly you followed the plan during the first 14 days. For many people, this is a mind twist, but it’s incredibly valuable!

How does the meal plan work?
Each day includes 5 meals.
You can swap ALL meals with one another. For example, you can exchange meal 3 from day 5 with meal 1 from day 7.
Additionally, all recipes (more than 50!) are also individual meal options you can choose from or swap with.
There are over 120 (!) meal options and more than 40 recipes to choose from. This means the meal plan is extremely flexible.
You’ll stay in a calorie deficit for 14 days, but you won’t track calories yourself.

The entire meal plan is vegetarian at its core, with the option to add meat of your choice!
There’s information available for those with a gluten allergy, lactose intolerance, or nut allergy.
Complete meals with the right amount of protein, fats, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. The only deficit is the calorie deficit!
Every day includes a treat, such as wine, chips, candy, chocolate, nuts, or cookies.
In 4 weeks...
You have either lost weight or built the essential foundation for weight loss.
You finally understand what has been holding you back from losing weight all this time.
3. You have so much more love for yourself and your personal weight loss journey.
“I feel both physically and mentally very healthy because of this program!”

“Every week there was at least one meal I looked forward to.”

“The videos were a valuable addition.”

“Really great that so much is possible.”

Online platform
After purchasing, you’ll automatically gain access to the online platform. Here, you’ll find all the files, videos, meditations, and information to get started.
The platform is also accessible via an app on your phone, so you can access it on the go. You’ll have 1 year of access to the online platform, but the file containing all the information, recipes, and the meal plan is yours to keep forever.
You can work completely independently and use the program whenever you need it.

It took me years to find and implement this balance WITH the desired result. And I also have all the knowledge because I graduated as a dietitian (4 years, Bachelor of Health).
Save yourself all that time, energy, and mistakes. Let my years of “trial and error” be the ones you benefit from. Achieve your slimmest version much faster by absorbing all the knowledge and experience from Body Boost.
If you’ve been wanting to lose weight for years and have tried so many times but haven’t succeeded, it might be time to invest in a program that’s not only my life’s work but has also brought the result of a dream body.

FREE: the BALANCE recipe book with Body Boost! Worth €10,-

The doors close on February 3rd, 2025.
In summary, with Body Boost you get:
- Complete 14-Day Meal plan in a calorie deficit
- More than 120 meal moments to choose from
- More than 50 recipes to select
- Daily videos to support, inspire, and motivate your mindset
- Over 5 hours of content (more than 40 individual videos) providing inspiration, motivation, and guidance (both mental and nutritional tips).
Think about how much money and time you’ve already spent on attempts to lose weight or get fitter. Has it worked so far? If not, and you’re ready to FINALLY follow the most reliable advice on transforming your lifestyle but don’t know how to start, Body Boost is truly for you!
At a traditional dietitian in the Netherlands (€70/hour), this would cost €1,050 for 4 weeks. Here you get 3 hours reimbursed per year from your basic insurance (“basis verzekering”) (note: this comes out of your deductible!). This equals €840 (if you’ve already used up your deductible).
Body Boost: €840,- €349,-
and you still keep your reimbursed hours! 😉

- Will I lose fat with Body Boost?
To lose fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit can be achieved in hundreds of ways. In Body Boost, the calorie deficit is key, so in short: YES.
With Body Boost, you get all the tools to make the calorie deficit achievable and enjoyable for you, so you won’t yo-yo but will lose fat to never gain it back (that’s the MOST important goal!).
Can my family join in eating the meals?
- There have been people who simply served the Body Boost meals to their entire family but in different portions. So, it’s absolutely possible and nothing unusual! You could preferably add rice, bread, potatoes, or pasta for your family members if they want. The recipes and meals are not “diet-specific”; they are cleverly designed to make you feel **like you’re eating normally, while secretly still being in a calorie deficit.
I have a busy life; will I need to prepare a lot for Body Boost?
- Anything you want to achieve in life requires time and energy, especially at the beginning. With Body Boost, I take a LARGE part of that time and energy off your hands because I’ve already done the groundwork for you. You won’t count calories, but you will need to weigh your food to get the right portions. You may (but don’t have to) swap or adjust your meals to fit your schedule. These are all choices you make upfront, but once everything is set and groceries are done, it’s just a matter of following the program and carrying on with your life! The videos include important lessons and realizations, which require no preparation and can even serve as daily inspiration to transform your life.
What if I don’t like the food?
- Luckily, this program is not a diet. Whether you eat vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free, or lactose-free—there are countless options for you. The program includes more than 50 recipes and over 110 meal moments. So, there’s more than enough for everyone! The principle of Body Boost is to transform your lifestyle to lose weight. So, it must align with what you enjoy eating. Otherwise, it will never work. With that foundation, Body Boost was created, so no, you won’t have to eat anything you don’t like!
Does this work for people who are emotional eaters or have a history of eating disorders?
The short answer is: Yes. The long answer is: In the past, I was hesitant to recommend it to people with a history of eating disorders. However, over the years, some individuals with such a background have purchased it and later messaged me to share how much it helped them. I now see why: Body Boost goes deep. You’re “drawn in” by the promise of weight loss, but the real work lies in bringing up all the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and emotions that hold you back in life and in your weight loss journey.
Additionally, perfectionism is strongly discouraged in the program—something that often burdens those who are prone to eating disorders. For this reason, I believe Body Boost can be incredibly helpful for people with a history of eating disorders or those struggling with emotional eating.
Video’s with titles like:
- “What if you ruined one day?”
- “Ate more than you planned, what now?”
- “2 reasons to not tolerate intense hunger”
- “What if i’m hungry”
- “No restrictions”
- “When things didn’t go as planned & how to learn from it”
Does the program also include exercise/physical activity?
- The program primarily focuses on nutrition and mindset, but there are 2 integrated schedules if you’d like some guidance with exercise. There’s a walking schedule with 3 levels, and there’s a treadmill cardio schedule designed to train hard enough to raise your heart rate but gently enough to avoid adding extra stress to your body (making it perfect for weight loss!).
Do I need to start right away, or can I begin later?
- Once you purchase the program, you can start at any time. However, you’ll have access to the online platform for one year, so as long as you “start” within that year, you’re all set. The PDF files with all the meals, recipes, explanations, etc., are yours forever, meaning you can always use them to “boost” your body again whenever you need to.
Where can I go if I have questions about the program later on?
- If you have the program, you can ask your questions in the online platform via the comments or by sending an email. Please note, personal coaching is not included in the program. If your questions are specific to your personal situation and require my advice, they fall outside the scope of the program. For this, personal coaching would be required. This program is designed so that many people can benefit from my weight loss method. To help as many people as possible, I cannot provide personal guidance within the program. However, the program is set up for you to work completely independently, and videos have been created to address all frequently asked questions.
Is Body Boost mine forever after purchase?
- Body Boost has two components: the downloads (PDF files with the schedule, instructions, recipes, etc.) and access to the online platform where all the videos are hosted. You’ll have access to the online platform for one year, while the downloads are yours forever. This setup is intentional, creating a sense of “urgency” to truly dive into the videos because, honestly, they can positively transform your weight loss journey forever!
Is there a community/group with a start date?
- Body Boost is now designed for you to work on your own, whenever you want. However, there is a specific date when the doors close and the content goes live—January 6, 2025. Most people will also begin on January 6. There isn’t a community directly led by me, but you can leave comments on the online platform and connect with others there. A separate section will be dedicated to those who want to find each other, where you can communicate and even exchange contact details if desired. This is entirely up to you.
I’ve bought Body Boost before; can I automatically join this new version?
- With each new round of Body Boost, there are bonuses. All former BBers (Body Boost-ers) always received an email with a discount code for the new round. This time, Body Boost has been completely renewed, and all former BBers will now receive a new email with a new fitting discount code.
What’s new this time if I’ve purchased Body Boost before?
- Body Boost has been completely renewed, which means all the videos have been re-recorded and now include new information that aligns with my current knowledge and experience. Some brand-new videos have been added that didn’t exist before. There are also new recipes and meal moments included. This means even more flexibility and even more options to fit your lifestyle. If you’re an early bird (purchase before December 31), you’ll also receive exclusive bonuses available only to Early Birds (join the waitlist to receive the email about this!).